One of regeneration and sustainability moving from complaint driven community to proactive need driven community with respect for all.
Bring cohesiveness practices and clear and kind communication skills to the forefront.
Address each issue that arises directly and in a timely manner and make best use of time, finances, and homeowners responsibilities.
Susan George - President
166 Juniper Trail
Rachael Wymer - Vice President
260 Overlook
Bob Friedman - Treasurer
246 Overlook Ridge
Victoria Holcomb - Secretary
250 Overlook Ridge
Gena Buhler - Director
252 Overlook Ridge
Microsoft Teams On-line Meeting
Topics of discussion include any item that may come before the Board. Meeting notices and packets are sent via email 3 days prior to the me...
Microsoft Teams On-line Meeting
DownloadFor more information regarding HB23-1105, please click here.
For information regarding low maintenance, fire resistant, native plants, please visit https://plantselect.org/.
The Association is required to hire an inspector to certify that your sprinkler system is functional. Please refer to the following schedule to see when Fire Sprinkler Services will need access to your home. This service is usually scheduled toward the end of each calendar year.
Files coming soon.
Every home must park at least one vehicle in their garage.
Owner Vehicles and Guests may use the 24-hour parking spaces at their leisure. All vehicles must be rotated after 24 hours.
Street parking is prohibited and subject to immediate towing. Only drop off is permitted. All streets within Shadowrock are designated Fire Lanes. Vehicles parked in fire lanes will be towed without notice.
This section contains the Shadorock soils report performed by HP Getech.
HP Geotech Soils Report (pdf)
DownloadTrash is Collected Every Thursday and Recycling is Collected on Thursdays Every Other Week.
Every homeowner has one green trash bin. These are to be placed at the curb on Thursday morning and returned to the owners garage by dusk.
Each homeowner has at least one green recycle bin or one large green roller bin. These are picked up every other Thursday. If you need additional bins, please contact Waste Management at Waste Disposal & Recycling | Waste Management (wm.com) /
We live in bear country. Eagle County has a law that all waste containers must be stored in the residents garage by dusk. Please help the bears.
Managed by
The Romero Group
Alexander Yeiser, Property Manager
(970) 273-3100, x-134
Michaila Bliss, Assistant Property manager
(970) 273-3100x135
Kit Morgan, Association Accountant
(970) 273-3100, x-117
After Hours Emergency Contact: (970) 701-4030 or (970) 273-3100 and follow the prompts to the
Mid-Valley on call team member